
Uprooted, Replanted

Updated 12/21/21:

The Caress family has moved!

Farewell, Illinois prairie! We have returned to our roots in Indiana for this new season. My two boys are excited to be closer to grandparents (and so are we), and I’m anxiously diving into a first-time homeownership life and also preparing to start a new (part-time) job, even while my hubby dives head-first into his new ministry.

What does this mean for my writing?

It means my muse looked at the insane plans we had made from August through November to manage the cross-state move and new career paths, glared at me dead in the face, and went into her own little room to take a LONG nap. She posted a scrawled paper sign on the door that said, “Wake me when it’s over.”

So I’ve been tapping at her door all week. Trying to drum up another story–short or long. Getting bits of muttered drabble under the door as she rolls over and intermittently rouses, then snores.

She’ll get up eventually.

Meantime, I want to thank a few readers for your beautiful emails of encouragement. They really are treasures in a time of big transition. I love to hear that you loved Fearful Symmetry. In whatever I do next, I shall aim to please again!

Meantime, I’m banging drums to wake up the muse…all while working on our fixer-upper house in our new town near a bigger city than my kids have ever known. It’s already a grand adventure.

Wishing you all a bright and blessed new year ahead!

-Gailie Ruth

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