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Uprooted, Replanted

Updated 12/21/21: The Caress family has moved! Farewell, Illinois prairie! We have returned to our roots in Indiana for this new season. My two boys are excited to be closer to grandparents (and so are we), and I’m anxiously diving into a first-time homeownership life and also preparing to start a new (part-time) job, even…

In Transition: Moving Across State Lines, Plus Dabbling in Short Story Work

Did Gailie disappear after six months of savoring her first published novel’s debut? Well, kinda. In November, I moved back home with the whole family, to the state of our roots: Indiana. There were lots of reasons, but one being that in comparison to 200 miles, being only “50 miles of good road” away from…

Where Has Gailie Been? On a Blog Tour (Recap Post)!

What a whirlwind March and April have been with the release of Fearful Symmetry! And yet, as a mom of young kiddos, May somehow completely floored me. Again. Like it does every year. End-of-school-year activities, summer scramble, Mother’s Day, graduation events–it all hits at once. I apologize for neglecting this blog for so long! For…

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It seemed abhorrently wrong for Elizabeth to begin the week giving thanks to Mr Darcy for preserving her from certain death in smoke and ash—and then, a mere four days later, to stand breathing in clean air, safe again in the cradle of the world, and thinking ill of him.”

– Fearful Symmetry: A Pride & Prejudice Variation